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July 3, 2020

Intro to Impact

Prepare to Run.   Running preparation drills can be used to gradually introduce impact following a injury or time away from basketball. They are also a great way to teach…
PrepareReactReactionary DrillsRehabilitation
June 26, 2020

Reactionary Drills. Early Lateral Movements

Transitioning from planned to unanticipated lateral movements.   Unanticipated (reactionary) movements are a huge part of basketball, whether it be playing defense, offense or grabbing a rebound. In early drills…
MobilisePrepareReduce Injury Risk
June 24, 2020

Hip Mobility. Unders and Overs

Hurdle Unders and Overs   Hip mobility is crucial for basketballers, allowing players to sit into their stance, and change direction with a low centre of gravity. Low back pain…
LandingsPrepareReduce Injury RiskRehabilitation
June 24, 2020

Intro to Landings: Snap Downs

Snap Downs   Snap downs are a nice way to introduce landing mechanics to basketballers, whether it be part of a rehabilitation program or a warm up. The examples in…
June 21, 2020

Spanish Squat straps

Spanish squats are a great exercise to help load the quads and reduce anterior knee pain. Research has shown Isometric Spanish squats to be an effective exercise to help reduce…
June 21, 2020

Agility Band Stepping

Agility Band: early stepping patterns   Agility bands can be used to add progressive overload during exercises. Here US college baller Natalia is demonstrating drills that are focussing on lower…
PlyometricReactReactionary DrillsRehabilitation
June 21, 2020

Clock Yourself App

Reactionary drills using Clock Yourself   The Clock Yourself app is a great tool for therapists and athletes when introducing reactionary movements during the rehab process. These multi directional movements…
MobilisePrepareReduce Injury Risk
May 23, 2020

Warm Up: Stick Mobility

WARM UP: Stick Mobility series Looking for a bit of variety to add to your court warm up? Try out this nice and quick mobility series using a dowel (broomstick).…