Would you benefit from a detailed, bespoke Return to Sport rehabilitation programs designed around your injury, goals, and training?

Designed by David Hillard, Basketball.Physio and head of Medical Services with the Australian Boomers, these programs allow athletes around Australia and the world benefit from integrated rehab plans provided to professional athletes.

Expected timeframes

Rehabilitation goals

Strength and Conditioning ideas

Team and Individual training guidelines

Rehabilitation running program




Initial Video Consultation

Detailed Rehabilitation Plan

Email Follow Up

Let's Go!

Further input into this Return to Sport plan will be encouraged by Coaching staff, and S+C coaches.   Progress through each stage should be monitored by an appropriate health professional such as a Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist.  Exit criteria and milestones are recommended to ensure progression is based on physical performance along with tissue healing.

These detailed return to sport plans are available following consultation with David Hillard.

Athletes based out of Sydney  can book a Telehealth video consultations.

Return to Play

June 19, 2020

Video Consultations

April 15, 2020

Want more information? Contact Us